Stainless Steel Bolted Tanks are the preferred choice for industrial wastewater treatment applications. For the harshest industrial wastewater applications, Stainless Steel is unsurpassed in safety and durability. Stainless steel tanks as industrial wastewater storage tanks has the longest design-life expectancies on the market. As industrial wastewater treatment and AD systems designers, Stainless Steel bolted Tanks is the perfect storage tank solutions. Stainless steel bolted tank is one of the most widely used storage tank solutions and widely used in drinking water storage, food industry, agricultural irrigation, rainwater collection, firefighting water storage, industrial wastewater treatment, bio-energy, leachate storage treatment, municipal sludge storage, grain silos, etc. Stainless steel is a more expensive material than carbon steel, and it is also costly for large stainless steel containers. In this case, however, the price premium is not large and far exceeds the total cost of the necessary protective coating that must be applied (periodically inspected and maintained) to replace the carbon steel tank.stainless-steel does not in general (in wastewater applications) need any corrosion protection coating. This is due to the passive layer provided by the unique chemical properties of stainless steel. Stainless Steel Bolted industrial wastewater Tank Advantages: Faster Installation: Compared with the stainless steel welded tanks, through the technical innovation of the installation, the stainless steel bolting tank installation is less affected by weather, and the installation cycle is easy to control, which greatly reduces the cost of construction. High Quality: The stainless steel bolted tank is made of the physical and chemical stable SUS304, SUS316L, SUS444 stainless steel plate, which has superior corrosion resistance, good sealing performance and service life of up to 30 years. Expansion Possibilities: Compared with stainless steel welded tank, stainless steel bolted tanks are easy to assemble, and can often be expanded to meet increased storage requirements.