China Green Pear, also known as the "Nashi" or "Asian Pear," is a premium variety of pear known for its crisp texture and sweet, juicy flavor. Sourced from the fertile regions of China, this pear is carefully cultivated under strict quality control standards to ensure its superior taste and freshness. The fruit has a round, apple-like shape with a smooth green skin and a subtle yellowish hue. It is known for its firm, crunchy flesh that remains crisp even after being harvested, making it ideal for both fresh consumption and processing. Each pear is hand-picked at the peak of ripeness to ensure the highest quality. With a naturally sweet, refreshing flavor and a high water content, China Green Pears are an excellent choice for export. The fruit is packed with essential nutrients, including vitamins C and K, dietary fiber, and antioxidants, offering both health benefits and superior taste. Ideal for global markets, these pears are exported worldwide, maintaining optimal freshness through careful packaging and transportation methods.