Main Information: Sodium Sesquicarbonate Molecular Formula: Na2CO3.NaHCO3.2H2O CAS Number: 533-96-0 EC Number: 205-580-9 Manufacturer: TATA Chemicals Europe Appearance: Granular Also Known As: Trisodium Hydrogendicarbonate Sesqui CREX Key Properties: Sodium Sesquicarbonate (Borax Substitute) is a unique alkaline product that is ideal for a wide range of household, personal care and industrial uses. Manufactured by Tata Chemicals Europe at its dedicated plant in the UK, Sodium Sesquicarbonate (Borax Substitute)is a free-flwing, non-irritant white powder. It is produced by the recrystallisation of Sodium Carbonate and Sodium Bicarbonate, to form a single crystal of Sodium Sesquicarbonate (Borax Substitute)Na2CO3.NaHCO3.2H2O. Sodium Sesquicarbonate (Borax Substitute)avoids pH surges seen with blends of Sodium Bicarbonate and Sodium Carbonate due to their different dissolution rates. The varied and valuable properties of Sodium Sesquicarbonate (Borax Substitute), such as water softening, high solubility, mild alkalinity, free flow and excellent buffering capacity, lead to uses in a wide range of applications.