Broiler Rabbit Feed R-020218 Buy from us highly nutritive Broiler Rabbit Feed with high content of essential nutritional values such as protein, fiber, calcium, fat, and many others for faster growth of animals. It is formulated by using natural and organic ingredients such as amino acids, hulls, minerals, grains, pulses, and mold inhibitors. This pure veg feed has a maximum moisture content of 12 percent and zero unwanted substances. The offered organic and pure Broiler Rabbit Feed is available in sealed polypropylene bags of different sizes as per customer demands at a reasonable price range. Nutrient Requirement Protein : 18% Crude Fiber : 10% Fat : 4% Calcium : 0.8% Calories (kCal/lb) : 1140 GENERAL DETAILS Specification Ingredients : Grains, Pluses, Husk, Hulls, Grits, Essential Amino Acids, Vitamins, Minerals, Trace Minerals, Toxin Binders and Mold Inhibitor Ingredient Profile : 100% Vegetarian Moisture (% Maximum) : 12 Product Form : Coarse Mash Form / Pellet Form Product Branding : HAF Net Weight : 25 Kgs When Packed Product Pricing : On Unit Basis (for each 39 Kgs Packing) Production Capacity per Day : 450 MT/Day Factory Visit : Not Permissible Fumigation : Aluminum Phosphide or Methyl Bromide (or any as per buyer specification) Clinical Test Methodology : As per IS:2052 Proximate Analysis on Dry Matter Basis We are actively engaged in offering� Broiler Rabbit Feed,� which is available in different packaging to cater to the ever-changing and increasing requirements of the customers. The offered products are prepared by highly skilled professionals using certified quality inputs that are procured from the trusted vendor of the market as per the laid industry norms.