Buyer: A4 printing paper
BBK boxboard cuttings
KCB kraft carrier board
KEC kraft envelope cuttings
KGB kraft grocery bags
KGB kraft grocery bags with handles
KMW kraft multi-wall bag waste
OCC old corrugated container
DSOCC Double Sorted Old corrugated container.
POLY poly lined kraft multi-wall bag
CBS coated book stock
CEC new color envelope cuttings
MCL manifold color ledger
MWL manifold white ledger
SOP Sorted Office Paper
SWL sorted white ledger
HWEC hard white envelope cuttings
HWS hard white shavings
PIE unprinted pie plate
RW ruled white
SWS coated soft white shavings
Poly Cup Stock
White Corrugated Waste
NTD new telephone directory
ONP old newspaper
ONP old newspaper over issue
WB white blank news
News and Pams
Magazine Trimmings