Black pepper and white pepper are made from the Piper nigrum plant. Black pepper is ground from dried, whole unripe fruit. White pepper is ground from dried, ripe fruit that has had the outer layer removed. The black pepper and white pepper powder are used to make medicine. In foods and beverages, black pepper, white pepper, and pepper oil (a product distilled from black pepper) are used as flavoring agents. We can offer Black Pepper MG1, TGSEB, A55, Grade 1, Special Grade 1, FAQ, 500-550-600 gl We can offer Black Pepper from India, Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia.
Cardamom is one of the world’s very ancient spices. It is native to the East originating in the forests of the Western Ghats in southern India, where it grows wild. Today it also grows in Sri Lanka, Guatemala, Indo China and Tanzania. The ancient Egyptians chewed cardamom seeds as a tooth cleaner; the Greeks and Romans used it as a perfume. Vikings came upon cardamom about one thousand years ago, in Constantinople, and introduced it into Scandinavia, where it remains popular to this day. Cardamom is an expensive spice, second only to saffron. It is often adulterated and there are many inferior substitutes from cardamom-related plants, such as Siam cardamom, Nepal cardamom, winged Java cardamom, and bastard cardamom. However, it is only Elettaria cardamomum which is the true cardamom. Indian cardamom is known in two main varieties: Malabar cardamom and Mysore cardamom.
Cashew nuts are actually seeds that adhere to the bottom of the cashew apple, the fruit of the cashew tree, which is native to the coastal areas of northeastern Brazil. Cashew apples, while not known in the U.S., are regarded as delicacies in Brazil and the Caribbean. The seed we know as the kidney-shaped cashew "nut" is delicate in flavor and firm, but slightly spongy, in texture. Cashew nuts are actually seeds that adhere to the bottom of the cashew apple, the fruit of the cashew tree, which is native to the coastal areas of northeastern Brazil. Cashew apples, while not known in the U.S., are regarded as delicacies in Brazil and the Caribbean. The seed we know as the kidney-shaped cashew "nut" is delicate in flavor and firm, but slightly spongy, in texture.
Cassia is an aromatic bark, similar to cinnamon, but differing in strength and quality. Its bark is darker, thicker and coarser, and the corky outer bark is often left on. The outer surface is rough and grayish brown, the inside barks is smoother and reddish-brown. It is less costly than cinnamon and is often sold ground as cinnamon. When buying as sticks, cinnamon rolls into a single quill while cassia is rolled from both sides toward the centre so that they end up resembling scrolls. Cassia buds. Cassia buds resemble cloves. They are the dried unripe fruits about 14 mm (1/2 in) long and half as wide. It is native to Burma and grown in China, Indo-China, the East and West Indies and Central America. One of the oldest spices known to man. It has a strong characteristic aroma and flavor. We may sometimes hear cinnamon refer to as cassia. This term is used to distinguish between the Southeast Asia and the Ceylon type of cinnamon. Almost all of the cinnamon consumed in the United States is derived from trees grown in Southeast Asia. Nowadays cinnamon is used to flavor bakery and dairy products, as well as drinks. Cassia-cinnamon is such a familiar and beloved spice it needs little introduction. A global favorite for its delicious aromatic flavor.
Castor meal is also variously called castor meal, castor residue, castor extract & de-oiled castor cake Castor meal - the residue obtained from castor cake by the solvent extraction process - is one of the most versatile natural manures. It is truly organic manure which enhances the fertility of the soil without causing any damage or decay. It is enriched with the three big elements vital and conducive to the proper growth of crops - Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. It also has traces of nutrients like Manganese, Zinc and Copper, thus making it a balanced fertilizer. Moreover, it helps to neutralize the detrimental effects of chemical fertilizers. Apart from their contribution to Nutrients, they have a number of benefits in agriculture, which none of the synthetic fertilizers or pesticides can offer. They bring in the wonderful molecules that nature has designed to help the plants flourish naturally. They provide slow and steady nourishment, stimulation, protection from soil nematodes and insects; improve yields, and quality of product like taste, flavour, amino acid composition etc. The pressed cake obtained after the expression of castor bean. The solvent extracted cake, although rich in protein cannot be used as cattle fodder because of its toxicity. However, it can be used as a fertilizer. The protein content of castor seed meal varies from 21-48% depending upon the extent of decortications. It has an ideal amino acid profile with moderately high Cystine, mithionine, and isoleucine. But its ant nutritional substances, ricin, ricine and an allergen restrict its use in poultry feed, even at a very low level of inclusion. Castor Cake is an excellent fertilizer because of high content of N (6.4%), Phosphoric Acid (2.55%) and Potash (1%) and moisture retention. There is negative correlation between the contents of ricinine in castor seeds and oil content (r = -0.76). This content of ricinine in castor seed is determined by Agro climatic conditions. Nutrient content of Castor Cake: Organic matter - 75 - 80 %, Nitrogen - 4.0 - 4.5 %, Phosphorous - 1.5 %, Potassium - 1.25 - 1.5 %. It also contains some micro nutrients viz., Calcium, Magnesium, Sulphur, Iron, Zinc, Manganese, Copper etc. A typical composition of castor residue/meal is as follows: Nitrogen - 4% min. approx. Phosphorous - 1% min. approx. Potassium - 1% min. approx. Moisture - 10 - 12 % max. approx. Oil Content - 0.7% max. approx. Advantages: 1. It provides all the major & minor nutrients necessary for better plant growth. 2. It also helps in increasing the nutrient uptake by plants. 3. It improves the soil fertility and productivity. 4. It is known to protect the plants from nematodes and termites. 5. It improves the yield & quality of the farm produce. 6. It improves the physical, chemical and biological properties of soil
Ceylon cinnamon has been hailed as the "true cinnamon" or the "real cinnamon" that possesses outstanding health benefits especially for the diabetics and those challenged by obesity and high cholesterol issues. Unfortunately this cinnamon which is native to Sri Lanka and sourced from the plant Cinnamomum Zeylanicum A highly valued culinary and medicinal spice. Price can be up to 10 times more than the Cassia/Chinese cinnamon. Contains a small, negligible amount of coumarin, a naturally occurring blood-thinning substance. Recommended for regular use, e.g. for correcting blood sugar level. Thin and paper-like textured bark that forms multiple layers when rolled up. Tan brown in colour.
Red chili powder can set the taste buds on fire, and sometimes the tummy too! It is basically a spice blend consisting of one or two types of dried red chilies that are ground and pulverized into a fine powder. It is generally used to add spice to otherwise bland foods. Culinary Uses - Chili powder is commonly used in Indian cuisine to make foods spicier. - Used it moderation it adds a lovely red glow and sharp flavour to dishes without making it unpalatable.
Cloves offer many health benefits, some of which include providing aid in digestion, having antimicrobial properties, fighting against cancer, protecting the liver, boosting the immune system, controlling diabetes, preserving bone quality, and containing anti-mutagenic properties, as well as fighting against oral diseases and headaches, while displaying aphrodisiac properties as well. Cloves are one of the spices indigenous to Asian countries like Indonesia, India, Pakistan, and even areas of East Africa. It is native to the Maluku islands in Indonesia. Cloves are a popular flavouring agents used in a variety of ways across the world, particularly in Asia. Cloves form the culinary base in a number of different Asian cuisines. Better Digestion: Cloves improve digestion by stimulating the secretion of digestive enzymes. Cloves are also good for reducing flatulence, gastric irritability, dyspepsia and nausea. Cloves can be roasted, powdered, and taken with honey for relief in digestive disorders. Antibacterial Properties: Cloves have been tested for their antibacterial properties against a number of human pathogens. The extracts of cloves were potent enough to kill those pathogens. Clove extracts are also effective against the specific bacterium that spreads cholera.
Coriander seeds have a health-supporting reputation that is high on the list of the healing spices. In parts of Europe, coriander has traditionally been referred to as an "anti-diabetic" plant. In parts of India, it has traditionally been used for its anti-inflammatory properties. In the United States, coriander has recently been studied for its cholesterol-lowering effects. Coriander is known all over the world for its medicinal properties. It is a great source of potassium, iron, vitamins A, K, and C, folic acid, magnesium, and calcium that can heal many health issues.
Cumin is an herb that many associate with Mexican and Spanish foods, but it is also widely used in Middle Eastern and Indian cooking. It has a very distinct flavor, and in the US is most often used in packaged taco seasonings. Cumin’s flavor makes it a favorite for many, but it’s health supporting properties are impressive too. It is considered a good source of Iron, Manganese, and other vitamins and minerals. Some research shows that it may stimulate the production of pancreatic enzymes and help digestion.
Desiccated coconut is coconut meat which has been shredded or flaked and then dried to remove as much moisture as possible. There are a number of different styles of desiccated coconut used around the world, and availability of this coconut product varies, depending on the region where one is shopping. If desiccated coconut is not available, regular dried coconut can be used as a replacement, although dried content tends to have higher moisture content, despite the "dried" in the name. One of the most common forms of desiccated coconut is an unsweetened, very powdery product which is produced by drying shredded coconut and then grinding the shreds. It is also possible to find coarser desiccated coconut, such as desiccated shreds and even flakes of coconut. Many producers also make sweetened versions. The label should clearly specify whether or not the coconut has been sweetened. Desiccated Coconut Powder is obtained by drying ground or shredded coconut kernel after the removal of brown testa. It finds extensive use in confectioneries, puddings and many other food preparations as a substitute to raw grated coconut.
Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) is a commodity that is highly valued in international markets for its aroma, pungency and high oil and Aleo resin content. Nigeria is the third largest exporter of ginger in the world after China and India. Most of the dried ginger that are available for international trade are simply sun dried over a few days, but artificial drying is also used in areas lacking a defined dry season to coincide with the harvest. The rhizome is dried to 10-12 percent moisture content. Dried ginger is usually presented in a split or sliced form. Splitting is said to be preferred to slicing, as slicing loses more flavor, but the sliced are easier to grind and this is the predominant form of dried ginger currently in the market
Fennel is an aromatic and flavorful herb that has several culinary as well as medicinal uses. If it is not in your kitchen cupboard right now, you’ll want to put it on your grocery list and make it a household staple after learning more about it. In addition to its popular use as a breath freshener, it helps relieve a number of ailments and facilitates better health due to its stomachic, carminative, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, expectorant, diuretic, emmenagogue, depurative, anticarcinogenic and antioxidant properties.
The manufacture of both granulated and powdered garlic is the same, except for the grinding or powdering process. Granulated garlic is coarse while garlic powder is ground extra fine. Whole cloves of garlic are peeled, cleaned and then sent into a machine that slices and chops them into smaller sections. The sections are dried in slow ovens for three to four hours. When the garlic has cooled it is ground to the desired consistency, be it granulated or powdered. The finished products are put through sifters to separate any debris or undesirable pieces. Both are packaged in air-tight containers and stored in a cool, dry place. Granulated and powdered garlic are used to season and enhance the flavor of many foods. Often it is an appropriate substitute when fresh garlic is called for in a recipe. Powdered garlic dissolves almost instantly when incorporated into any dish, hot or cold. Granulated garlic takes a few minutes to become incorporated and release its flavor. We can offer Garlic Granules in 0.5mm to 1.0mm, 40/60 mesh, 26/40 mesh - 20 FCL: 10 Mt (Flakes/Cloves), 14-15 Mt (Minced/Granules/Powder) - 40 FCL H/C: 20 Mt (Flakes/Cloves), 25-30 Mt (Minced/Granules/Powder) Product Packing - 12.5/13/14 Kg Paper Bag inside 1 Poly Bag - 20/25 Kg Cartoon inside 1/2 Poly Bag - 20/25 Kg Cartoon inside 1/2 Aluminium Foil Bag Our range includes: - Dehydrated Garlic Flakes/Cloves (5-10mm) - Dehydrated Garlic Minced (1-3mm, 3-5mm) - Dehydrated Garlic Granules (G1, G2, G3) - Dehydrated Garlic Powder (80-100 mesh) -
The Jalapeno is variously named in Mexico as huachinango and chile gordo. The cuaresmeno closely resembles the Jalapeno. The seeds of a cuaresmeno have the heat of a Jalapeno, but the flesh has a mild flavor close to a green bell pepper. As of 1999, 5,500 acres (22 km2) in the United States were dedicated to the cultivation of Jalapeno s. Most Jalapeno s are produced in southern New Mexico and western Texas. Jalapeno s are a pod type of Capsicum. The growing period is 70–80 days. When mature, the plant stands two and a half to three feet tall. Typically a plant produces twenty-five to thirty-five pods. During a growing period, a plant will be picked multiple times. As the growing season ends, Jalapeno s start to turn red. Once picked, individual peppers ripen to red of their own accord. The peppers can be eaten green or red. Jalapenos have 2,500 - 8,000 Scoville heat units. Compared to other chillies, the Jalapeno has a heat level that varies from mild to hot depending on cultivation and preparation. The heat, caused by capsaicin and related compounds, is concentrated in the veins (placenta) surrounding the seeds, which are called picante. Handling fresh Jalapeno s may cause skin irritation. Some handlers wear latex or vinyl gloves while cutting, skinning, or seeding Jalapeno s. When preparing Jalapeno s, hands should not come in contact with the eyes as this leads to burning and redness. Jalapeno is of Nahuatl and Spanish origin. The Spanish suffix -eno signifies that the noun originates in the place modified by the suffix, similar to the English - (i) an. The Jalapeno is named after the Mexican town of Xalapa (also spelled Jalapa). Xalapa is itself of Nahuatl derivation, formed from roots xal-li "sand" and a-pan "water place." A Jalapeno plant with pods. The purple strips on the stem are anthocyanin, due to the growth under blue-green spectrum fluorescent lighting. Five Jalapeno peppers. - A chipotle is a smoked, ripe Jalapeno. - Jalapeno jelly can be prepared using jellying methods. - Jalapeno peppers are often muddled and served in mixed drinks. - Texas Toothpicks are Jalapeno s and onions shaved into straws, lightly breaded, and deep fried. - Jalapeno Poppers, also called Armadillo eggs, are an appetizer; Jalapeno s are stuffed with cheese, usually cheddar or cream cheese, breaded and deep fried.
Nowadays growing worldwide interest to flax seeds as a useful foodstuff. Flax seeds are rich in proteins, fats, gluten and dietary fiber. Each of these components contributes to a healthy human nutrition. Flax seeds can be added to homemade cakes, used for yoghurts, cereals and salads. Flax seeds contain plentiful number of components that can help to protect the human body from cardiovascular, cancer and other diseases. The main active substances contained in flax seed are: proteins, polysaccharides; vegetable fibers (lignans); polyunsaturated fatty acid (a-linolenic and others), vitamins A, B, E, F. Flax seeds Colour: brown Origin: Ukraine Purity: 98-99.9% Moisture - 8% max Our company deals with direct manufacturers /wholesalers of flax seed, which is grown and processed in the agrarian farms of Ukraine and Russia.
Green pea is used in cookery (in fresh, canned and frozen condition) as well as yellow dried pea. Soups puree, salads, garnishes to various meat dishes are made of it, and also it is used for dish decoration. We can offer high quality yellow and green pea, from leading Ukrainian manufacturers. Our product is not infected with pea beetle and has a high gustatory index. Packing – 50 kg Net bags Green peas with following quality parameters: Moisture 14%max Broken 2% max Admixture 0.5% max Packing details: 25kg & 50kg PP bags or Bulk packing
Name : Red Millets Crop : New crop, Shape : Round shape Origin : Ukraine Packing : PP woven bag of 25 kg each or 50kg each oras per customers requirement Delivery Time : Within 7-14 days after the deposit Quantity : About 22mt per 20 feet FCL Memo : We also can supply yellow millet market as you required. Description: Humidity: max 14% Foreign matter: max 2% Grain impurities: max 2% Products are accompanied with: Certificate of origin Certificate of quality (Ukrainian) Phytosanitary certificate Any other expertise or certificates per customer requirement Minimum Order: 21-22 MT
Name : Yellow Millets Crop : New crop Shape : Round shape Origin : Ukraine Packing : PP woven bag of 25 kg each or 50kg each oras per customers requirement Delivery Time : Within 7-14 days after the deposit Quantity : About 22mt per 20 feet FCL Memo : We also can supply Red Millet market as you required. Description: Humidity: max 14% Foreign matter: max 2% Grain impurities: max 2% Products Are Accompanied With: Certificate of origin Certificate of quality (Ukrainian) Phytosanitary certificate Any other expertise or certificates per customer requirement Minimum Order: 21-22 MT