It is a biennial, aromatic, stout, glabrous, and 1.5â??1.8 m high. The ripe fruit (seed) is small, oblong, cylindrical, 6.8mm long, straight, or slightly curved, greenish-yellow, deeply furrowed, 5 ridged, and has an agreeable aroma. A native of Europe and Asia Minor, Fennel is cultivated extensively in Northern India as a cold-weather crop. It comes up well in a fairly mild climate. The dry and cold weather favors high seed production. Prolonged cloudy weather at this time of year is conducive to diseases and pests. Fennel leaves are used for garnishing. Leaves and stalks are used in salads. It is an essential ingredient in Italian sausages, widely used to sprinkle on pizza. Dried fruits have a fragrant odor and pleasant aromatic taste and are therefore used as a masticatory. They are also used for flavouring soups, meat dishes, sauces, pastries, confectionaries, and liquors. The fruits are aromatic, stimulant and carminative.
The dried white fruit with greyish brown colour of a small slender herb, the aromatic seed like fruit is elongated, ovoid, slightly bitter and with a warm flavour. The flowers are often white or rose coloured in small umbels. Indigenous to North Egypt, Syria, the Mediterranean region, Iran and India, it is also cultivated in Mexico, China Sicily and Malta. Cumin is a tropical plant and is cultivated as a rabi crop in areas where atmospheric humidity during February-March is low. Although they have an aromatic and bitter taste, it is often used as a condiment and is an ingredient in curry powders, seasonings of breads, cakes and cheese. In medicine, it is used as a stimulant, carminative, stomachic and astringent. Cumin seed oil is also used in perfumery and for flavoring liquors and cordials.
Coriander is an important spice crop having a prime position in flavoring food. The plant is a thin stemmed, small, bushy herb, 25-50 cm in height with many branches and umbels. Leaves are alternate, compound. The whole plant has a pleasant aroma. It is a native of Mediterranean and commercially produced in India, Morocco, Russia, France, Central America, USA, Mexico, and various other Eastern European nations. This tropical crop can be successfully cultivated as a rabi season crop in an area free from severe frost during February when the crop flowers and sets it seeds. The youngest plant is used for flavoring and garnishing curries as well as soups. The seeds of this plant are widely used as condiments with or without roasting in the preparation of curry powders, sausages, and seasonings. It is an important ingredient in the manufacture of food flavorings, bakery products, meat products, sodas and syrups, puddings, candy preserves and liquors.
The "True Cinnamon", or Sri Lankan Cinnamon, is the dried inner stem bark of Cinnamomum Verum. Cinnamon plants are grown as bushes. When the plants are two years of age, they typically measure about 2 meters high and 8-12 cm at the base. It is at this stage that they are ready for harvesting. Cinnamomum Verum is mostly cultivated in Sri Lanka, the Malagasy Republic, and Seychelles. It originated in the central hills of Sri Lanka. It is grown in one or two locations in Kerala. Cinnamon is a hardy plant that grows in a range of conditions in Sri Lanka, from semi-dry to wet. The ideal temperature for growing cinnamon is 20-30 C, and the ideal rainfall is 1250-2500 mm. It thrives well as a forest treat at 300-350 meters above MSL. Cinnamomum verum is mostly cultivated in Sri Lanka, the Malagasy Republic, and Seychelles. It originated in the central hills of Sri Lanka. It is grown in one or two locations in Kerala. Cinnamon is a hardy perennial grown in Sri Lanka under a variety of conditions ranging from semi-dry to wet zones. The ideal temperature for growing cinnamon is 20-30 C, and the ideal rainfall is 1250-2500 mm. It thrives well as a forest tree 300-350 meters above MSL. The commercial products of cinnamon are quills, quillings, featherings, chips, cinnamon bark oil, and cinnamon leaf oil. "Quills" are scraped peels of the inner bark of the mature cinnamon shoots, joined together with overlapping tubes, the hollow of which has been filled with smaller pieces of cinnamon peels, which are dried first in the sun and thereafter in the shade."Quillings' are broken pieces and splits of all grades of cinnamon quills. 'Featherings' are featherlike pieces of inner bark consisting of shavings and small pieces of bark left over. Cinnamon 'chips' are rough, unpeelable barks scraped off thicker stems. Cinnamon leaf and bark oil are obtained by distilling the leaves and bark separately. Cinnamon bark is a popular spice with a delicate fragrance and a warm, agreeable taste. It is used in the form of small pieces or powder. It is widely used in flavoring confectionery, liquors, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. It is found to help diabetics in the digestion of sugar. It has astringent, stimulant, and carminative properties and can prevent nausea and vomiting. Cinnamon bark oil is antifungal, and cinnamon leaf oil is widely used in perfumery and cosmetics.
Black Pepper is the dried mature berry of Pipernigrum, a climbing, perennial shrub mostly found in the hot, moist region of Southern India. The climbing woody stems have swollen nods with clinging roots at each node, which helps in anchoring the vine to the support trees(standards). It has a straight upward growing main stem and has lateral shoots from the axils of the leaves having shorter inter nodes without adventitious roots. In such branches, the terminal buds get modified into in�orescence (spike) and the auxiliary buds continue further growth. Pepper is considered originated in the hills of the southwestern Ghats of India. It is now grown in Indonesia, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Brazil, Mexico, and Guatemala, apart from its country of origin. Pepper requires a hot and humid climate and grows between 20 degrees north and south latitudes, from sea level to up to 1500 meters above MSL. The crop tolerates temperatures between 10 degrees and 40 degrees C. Well-distributed annual rainfall of 125 to 200 cm is considered ideal for pepper. Pepper is largely used by meat packers and in canning, pickling, baking, considering its preservative value. It has the ability to correct the seasoning of dishes, therefore used as a final dash at the end of cooking to effectively adjust the flavor. It is an important component of culinary seasoning of universal use and is an essential ingredient of numerous commercial foodstuffs. It is also used as an ingredient in spice mixes. White pepper is used in products like mayonnaise, where black specks of black pepper are not liked. Other products in use are pepper oil, oleoresin, micro encapsulated pepper, green pepper in brine, dehydrated green pepper, frozen pepper, etc. Black pepper is an essential ingredient in the Indian system of medicine. Piperine, the pungent principle in pepper oleoresin, helps to enhance bioavailability and is therefore used in pharmaceuticals. The major functional properties of pepper are analgesic, antipyretic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial.
An erect, glabrous, or minutely pubescent, branched annual. The stems are striate; the leaves are rather distant, 2-3 pinnately divided, the segments linear. The flowers occur in terminal or seemingly lateral pedunculate, compound umbels, white and small; the fruits are ovoid, muricate, aromatic cremo carps, greyish brown; the mericarps, which are the components of the fruit, are compressed, with distinct ridges and tubercular surface, 1 seeded.
Star Anise is the dried starshaped fruit of Illiciumverum It is an evergreen tree attaining a height of 815 meters and a diameter of 25cm The leaves are entire 1015 cm long 25 5 cm broad ellipticowersaresolitary white to red in color Fruits are starshaped reddishbrown consisting of 6 8 carpels arranged in a whorl Each carpel is 10 mm long boatshaped hard and wrinkled containing a seed Seeds are brown compressed ovoid smooth shiny and brittle Commercial production is limited to China and Vietnam India it is produced to a small extent in Arunachal Pradesh The crop requires specific agroclimatic conditions available only in the traditional growing areas which has prevented repeated attempts of other countries to grow star anise However it prefers woodlands sunny edges and dappled shade The plant grows well in humusrich mildly acidic to neutral soils which are light to medium and have good drainage It tolerates temperatures down to10 degrees C Star Anise is one of the signature avours of Chinese savory cooking The fivespice powder mix common in China contains star anise It is used to avour vegetables meat and to marinate meat It is used as a condiment for avouring curries confectionaries spirits and pickling It is also used in perfumery The essential oil of star anise is used to avour soft drinks bakery products and liquors The fruit is antibacterial carminative diuretic and stomachic It is considered useful in atulence and spasmodic
Ripe fruit of an annual herb, this robust herb has light green leaves, is 30 - 60 cm long, and produces slender, beaked pods, 10 - 15 cm long, each pod contains 10-20 small hard yellowish- brown seeds, which are smooth and oblong, about 3mm long, each grooved across one corner, giving them a hooked appearance. Fenugreek is a native of South-Eastern Europe and West Asia, now cultivated in India, Argentina, Egypt, and Mediterranean countries. In India, it is grown extensively in Rajasthan, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Punjab. It is a cold season crop and is fairly tolerant to frost and very low temperatures. Best suited to tracts of moderate to low rainfall, Fenugreek is often sown in all types of soil but performs better in loam and clayey loam with proper drainage. It can also be grown on black cotton soils. Fenugreek is used both as a food and food additive as well as in medicines. Fresh tender pods, leaves, and shoot saree Atenas curried vegetables. As a spice, it �avours food. Powder of dried leave sisal so used for garnishing and �avouring a variety of foods. Fenugreek extract is used as a flavoring agent of imitation. It is one of the principal constituents of curry powder. These are used in cases of colitis, dysentery, diarrhea, chronic cough, enlargement of the liver and spleen, rickets, gout, and diabetes. It is also used as an acarminative, tonic, and aphrodisiac. Fenugreek oil is used in the manufacture of hair tonics.
Ginger as a plant is refreshingly aromatic and the underground rhizome, whether raw or processed, is valued as a spice in India. It is a tropical plant with the center of origin in India and Malaysia. However, now it is widely cultivated in India, Jamaica, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Malaysia, Southern China, and Japan. The plant requires warm and humid climate and thrives well from sea level to an altitude of 1500 mtrs above. A well-distributed rainfall (150-300cm) during growing season and dry spells during land preparation and harvesting are required for the crop. Fresh Ginger, Dry Ginger Powder, Oleoresin, and oil are used in food processing. It is an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of gingerbread, confectionary, ginger ale, curry powders, certain curried meats, table sauces, in pickling and in the manufacture of certain cordials, ginger cocktail, carbonate drinks, liquors, etc. In medicine, Ginger is used as a carminative and stimulant. It has wider application in indigenous medicines. The ginger oil is used as a food flavourant in soft drinks.
Turmeric is the boiled, dried, cleaned, and polished rhizomes of curcuma longa. The plant is an herbaceous perennial, 60-90 cm high, with a short stem and tufted leaf. This plant is a native of India. However, apart from India, it is also cultivated in Pakistan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, Japan, Korea, China, Sri Lanka, Nepal, East/West Africa, and many other countries in the west. In India, turmeric is cultivated in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala. It is a tropical crop that grows in light black, black clayey and red soils in irrigated and rainfed conditions. The crop cannot stand water logging or alkalinity. Often used to flavour and colour foodstuffs, it is a principal ingredient in curry powder. Turmeric oleoresin is used in brine pickles and to some extent in mayonnaise and relish formulations, non- alcoholic beverages, gelatins, butter, and cheese, etc. The colour curcumin extracted from turmeric is used as a colorant. Turmeric is also used as a dye in textile industry. Often used in preparation of medical oils, ointments, and poultice; it is a stomachic, carminative, tonic, blood purifier and an antiseptic. It is used in cosmetics and the aqueous extracts has biopesticide properties.
Chilli is the dried ripe fruit of the genus capsicum. Capsicum annum is an annual subshrub, the ï¬?owers of which are borne singly and fruits usually pendent, which provide red peppers, cayenne, paprika, and chilies and sweet pepper (bell pepper) a mild form with large in ï¬?ated fruits. The Capsicum fruit scene is a perennial chilly with small-sized pods which are highly pungent. It is commonly known as 'bird chilly' and 'Tabasco'. Chilli is reported to be a native of South America and is widely distributed in all tropical and subâ??tropical countries including India. It was first introduced in India by the Portuguese towards the end of the 15th Century. Now it is grown all over the world except in colder parts. Dry chili is extensively used as a spice in curried dishes. It is also used as an ingredient in curry powder and seasonings. Bird chilly is used in making hot sauces such as pepper sauce and Tabasco sauce. Paprika, Byadgichilly, Warangal chapatti, and similar high colorless pungent varieties are widely used for color extraction. This color is highly popular among food and beverage processors for its use as a colorant since this is a' natural plant color'. As a medicine, it is used as a counter-irritant in Lumbago, Neuralgia, and Rheumatic disorders. Capsicum has a tonic and carminative action. Taken inordinately it may cause gastroâ??enteritis. The enzyme isolated from chilly is used in the treatment of certain types of cancers. Oleoresin capsicum is used in pain balms and VapoRub. They dated green chilly is a good source of vitamin.
Versatility at its peak! Our Achari Gosht Masala is an eclectic spice blend which can be used not only to make pickles but also to flavour regular curries and starters with that chatpata achar-like flavour. Organic whole spices are carefully slow roasted, ground individually and then mixed to create this unique flavourful.
The taste of home! Eating fresh, pure and healthy food is what keeps us physically fit and emotionally healthy which is why this Udupi Sambar Masala is made with Organic Ingredients that are pesticide-free, sustainably farmed, hygienically processed, and steam-sterilized to meet global food safety regulations because your health and wellness are as much our priority as they are yours. This Udupi Sambhar Masala is our heirloom recipe for making an authentic home-style unique masala blend. Made with the perfect combination of fenugreek seed, asafoetida, chilli powder and other Indian spices. It lends a balanced flavour that leaves your friends and family asking for more. Take your favourite accompaniment with Idlis, Dosas and Appams to another level with our authentic Udupi Sambar Masala.
Take your shot of this booster drink! Made with love and care from grandma's kitchen, this time-tested herbal nutrition is made purely from ingredients available at home. To keep you healthy, Grandmaâ??s Organic Kadha Blend is made with a mix of organic herbs like Ginger, Black Pepper, Turmeric Powder, Cinnamon, and Cloves. A spoonful of this blend and a glass of lukewarm water every morning not only provide advanced immunity support but also relieves you from any stress and enhance your memory at the same time. So, add this herbal booster to your daily routine. Not only that, your health and wellness are as much our priority as they are yours which is why our Grandmaâ??s Organic Kadha Blend is pesticide-free, sustainably farmed, hygienically processed, and steam-sterilized to meet the global food safety regulations; Thus, putting a superior taste and quality in your kitchens and always ensuring health benefits for you.