Buyer is interested to receive quotations for the following RFQ -
Product Name : Gas Oil
Turbidity ASTM D 4176 Less Than 2,0
Density at 15° C Kg/1 ASTM D 1298 & D 4052 0,8200-0,8800
Density at 20° C Kg/1 ASTM D 1298 & D 4052 0,8064-0,8766
Colour ASTM ASTM D 1500 & D 6045 3,5 max
Flash Point °C ASTM D 93 60,0 min
KIN. Viscosity @ 37,8°C cSt ASTM D 445 2,0 min /6,0 max
Copper corrosion @ 100° C
for 3hrs
Rating ASTM D 130 1,0 max
Distillation ASTM D 86
Recovery @ 360°C % vol. 90,0 min
Pour Point °C ASTM D 97 + 6,0 max
Sulphur Content % weight ASTM D 4294 0,05 max
Carbon Residue on 10 %
% weight ASTM D 189 0,15 max
Sediment by extraction % weight ASTM D 473 0,01 max
Ash Content % weight ASTM D 482 0,01 max
Water Content % vol. ASTM D 95 0,05 max
Total Acid Number mg KOH/g ASTM D 974 0,5 max
Strong Acid Number mg/KOH/g ASTM D 974 No-detectable
Cetane Index ASTM D 976 45,0 min
FAME ASTM D 7371 No-detectable
Quantity Required : 75,000 ton per month