Wet blue buffalo hides
Cotton, cork, non gmo vegan (animal free) leather alternatives. bamboo, eco friendly wallets, accessories. flatwares. reusable takeaway box with build in takeaway utensils and mini cutting board... material who is your audience ?
Split and grain leather scrap, full skin and various shapes and size like 1125, 2036.
Raw cow and buffalo leather skins
Crust leather, finished leather, spilit leather in raw hides, cow hides, goat skin and sheep skin
Wet blue buffalo hide/ buff calf/goat skin and perchament split leather and crust leather
Finished Leather Of Cow Nappa, Milled, Cow Vegetable Milled, Cow Korean Nappa, Cow Plain Nappa, Cow Print Like Anaconda, Classic Croco, Printed Dry Milled For Special Full Shoes & Leather Goods
Wet blue buffalo hides for upholstery, shoes, wet blue buff calf skins for shoes & garments, wet blue goat skins for shoes, finished printed leather for shoes
Cow grain leather gloves, cowhide split leather glove, welder leather glove, and furniture leather glove and leather welding wear
Finished leather cow split suede, goat shoe suede,chrome free sheep shoe upper sheep lining, buffalo leather, cow lining, cow waterproof lining
Chilled goats full carcass
Raw cow horn paired and odd horns white horn and mixed colour
Leather Sheep, Cow, Goat, European Origin Skins
Rice, Honey, Leather, Cow Skins, Furniture
Tanned and finished alligator and crocodile skins, crust alligator and crocodile skins, raw alligator and crocodile skins
Few leather material used in gloves
Tanned and finished alligator and crocodile skins, crust alligator and crocodile skins, raw alligator and crocodile skins
Wet blue cow hide, drops splits, double butt splist, cow wet salted hides, pig and goat skin
Frozen meats: frozen ducks; buffalo, beef and goat
Raw greasy wool, wet blue hides, raw salted hides, sheep skins, horse and cow tail hair