China, Egypt, and Chile Lift Ban on Brazilian Meat Imports

In a big relief to Brazil’s meat industry, China, Egypt and Chile have lifted bans on import of meat such as beef and pork from Brazil on Saturday, 25 Mar 2017. Earlier, these countries had banned meat import from Brazil following reports of bribery and impropriety by Brazilian exporters to government officials and inspectors in various countries.

“Lifting this suspension was the result of a giant effort by Brazil to explain that the investigation targeted the conduct of individuals and not the quality of the meat,” Agriculture Minister Blairo Maggi told Reuters.

Meat is Brazil’s third-largest export, after soy and iron ore. The country sold around $13.5 billion in chicken, beef and pork products last year.

If you are a wholesale buyer from China, Egypt, Chile or EU, you can now start prospecting suppliers again form this list of Brazilian meat and poultry sellers.

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